Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thursday's Tip


Okay so heres a little fashion secret I follow to really make my closet stretch, not that its necessary. This has saved me so many times when I didn't know what to wear.

I have mostly solid colored skirts and mostly printed dresses. I find myself in a tiffy sometimes when I wish I had a printed skirt to wear with that nude colored top. And things of that sort.

Oh yesss the troubles of my life lolll jk.

But anwyays I found this cool pic on pinterest and have been doing it ever since:

This is like seriously!! You'll love it well I know I do. And no one can even tell. And if they can they're looking at you a little to closely, tell them to backkkk up!

Try it out and

Stay Golden Loves 

I'm Supergirl!!! Dun Dunna Dun!!!

Okay so I'm back :)

I went no where loll just havent posted in like a week. 

Anyways, today I went with my sister to help her with a little house shopping. After which she wanted to go to a thrift store. Here it was: The Ultimate Test!

I was kinda nervous with just the thought of going. I havent stepped foot in a thrift shop since I began my 1 year no clothes shopping pledge. And Im around a month in. While there I first tried to ignore the many many options that I came across. So many vintage pants, so many shirts that would make/create that outfit I have wanted for a while. Everything was there, rows and rows upon rows of clothes. I dont know why but I had to go look at the dresses they had. They had this cuteeeee nude pink dress that was only $5. Oh god when I saw that I knew it was over!!

I was gonna loose. I was gonna fail. I tried to rationalize it to myself:

'Well you cant win at everything'. 
'No ones good at everything'.
'Cant succeed at everything'

Yes I had turned this pledge into a competition. I am quite competitive Im beginning to realize lol.

I stood there looking at the dress thinking about the quality of it and how cute it would look with that one blazer I had. I took it off the rack. Looked at it. Held it up against my body. Noted the length was perrfect (I'm 5'7" not that easy to find).

All of a sudden I remembered that this was something that I really wanted to do. I remembered:

'Im not a loser'
'I dont fail'
I accomplish my goals'

I dropped the dress (literally) and walked away quite briskly. I had to get away from it like it was the devil itself. The rest of the trip was a piece of cheesecake. Yum! I just held my niece to keep my hands and eyes busy.  I left  feeling like a baby who'd been teased with some candy and at the last second it was ripped from her hands. It was so close yet I couldnt taste it. I couldnt even get a lick. NOTHING!

But that doesnt matter, what does matter is that I left with nothing. Not even jewelry which would've been totally okay to buy. No vintage handbag. Nothing!

At that moment I felt invincible! I really felt like Supergirl. If I can resist that temptation, And boy is that a temptation, than I can overcome ANYTHING!

Stay Golden Loves 

PS. My sisters baby shower is this weekend. I still havent gone shopping for that and the thought of stepping into a mall is a little scarey. I'm sure this will be another test. Lets see how this goes.....

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Project Wednesday: Zara Inspired Metal Belt

I did it!! YAY ME!!!
Okay Im probably too excited but who cares loll.

Im sure many of you have see the metal belt that many were wearing. I believe Zara and Mango were selling them. looks something like this: 

Well I saw those belts and I kinda sorta...fell in love...looked at the price tag and ran for the hills. Now you might be thinking I'm just cheap. Not at all the case, I will splurge on some things and buy brand new(even though I still look for sales hehe). But $35 for a belt? sometimes more? 
Nuh uh! Not this one!
Soooo I came across this nifty tutorial for how to make it, put my own little spin on it and BAM! I made this belt for much less than the asking price:

I ended up paying less than $10 all together and I still have left over materials I can use for another project. Yep I played it smart :)

It was super easy too! So yep you can make one too. I cant wait for the next project.

Till next time.

Stay Golden Loves 

Why I love thrifting

Some people wonder why I enjoy thrifting like I do. Well would you believe most of this outfit was thrifted? Well it was jacket shirt and belt all from thrift shops. I live!!! 

Stay Golden Loves 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A day in the mind of the deranged O_o

A very confused patient at work screamed something to me that actually made sense (I work in a hospital on a psych floor for the mentally disturbed). He said:

"Why save for tomorrow, what we can do today?"

You wanna loose weight? Start working out and eating healthier TODAY
You wanna pass that next exam with flying colors? Start reviewing and read ahead in the book TODAY.
You wanna become a better Muslim? Start by making all your salahs TODAY.

I think you get my point. What ever you wanna do, do it.
No procrastinating.
No excuses.
Because if you're not willing to work for it, trust me there is someone else that is. And you will be disappointed when you see them and what you could've had, instead of you with all that you want and more.

Stay Golden Loves 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Time to Start

Hey, hello, marhaba, bonjour, hola, nei how, namaste, halo, and cioa (I think that about covers most of the major languages). 

How you doin? *Wendy William voice* Anywho welcome to my blog. Where I will talk about everything from my shopping pleasures to the events of the day. But who cares cause its MY blog. Thank you for reading by the way. 

So yea for those who dont know me Im a thrifting Queen ♕, and yea ever since I got a job that has been my hobby, pray thrift work eat sleep, that had become my life (in that order). But now I am on a shopping hiatus. If you know me you're probably thinking WATTTT!!! Yep you heard right, Shopping Hiatus. 

There were a couple reasons why this break was necessary

  1. The fact that all of my hard earned money was going to clothes which the majority of I have never worn :/ 
  2. The lecture I would get when I got home with bags of clothes -_-
  3. Having to sneak my bags upstairs to avoid number 2
  4. I bought an extra rack because I ran out of space in my closet, which by the way is not small by any means. And I soon ran out of space on there as well. -____-
  5. All dressed up with no where to go. Tbh Im a pretty dull girl, or maybe its because Im in a dull city *shrugs*. But I rarely go places that I feel are appropriate for some of my favorite outfits.
  6. Im quite creative and this might give me that needed boost to channel my creativeness and start making my own clothes which is something Ive been wanting to do for a while now. (Yes I know somewhat counter productive but trust me I cant make clothes as quickly as I buy them)
  7. My wallet needed a break
I can probably list many more reasons but Ill stop there. So with every new law comes rules -_______-. I couldn't make such a drastic change without ground rules so here they are

  1. It will last a full year aka 365 days or 366 days or 364 days Im not sure which one it will be               -______________________- Can my face get any longer?
  2. No buying of clothes, yes that means I can still buy shoes and purses and jewelry. You might be thinking thats nothing, but for me it is. You know how some girls are shoe girls, others are bag whores and some really love their makeup? Well Im a clothing junkie. Clothes give me such a great high its phenomenal (kinda sad when you think about it). So yes this is everything I need and than some.
  3. Gifts are okay giving and receiving  So if you want to buy me a new abaya or skirt please be my guest. Seriously PLLLEEEEAAASSSEEE!!! And also I can buy others clothing gifts. Im not gonna let my friends and family suffer!
  4. I am allowed to buy fabric and things like that, to help channel my inner creativity of course.
  5. This is the rule that im struggling back and forth with. Should I be allowed to buy a new Eid outfit (for those of you that dont know Eid is the Muslim holiday comes twice a year and basically we get dressed up and enjoy time with family and friends)? In the year that'll only be twice so thats not so bad right. On the other hand I could either pick something out of my closet or make something which wouldnt be so bad either.
So yea those are my rules my start date was June 7, 2013. So my end date will be June 7, 2014 Inshallah.

Pweaseee give me input on rule number 5. Soon

Stay Golden Loves                                     ,•’``’•,•’``’•,
